In the competitive world of science and technology, successful applicants to STEM graduate programs must have more than high grades, outstanding research accomplishments, and sterling letters of recommendation. They must also possess a professional toolkit that allows them to communicate their science and scientific ambitions effectively, navigate challenging conversations, and reflect critically during the development of their application materials. These skills can be taught but do not come easily; for that reason, they are the primary focus of STEM for Development’s education programs.
In support of professional skill development, STEM for Development offers webinars, workshops, and semester-long courses aimed at developing critical STEM workforce competencies, including technical writing, science communication, and composition of key documents such as curricula vitae (CV) and statements of purpose.
Professional Development Webinars
Professional Development Workshops
If you would like to join our professional development events as an attendee, please navigate to the Become a Member section of this website to receive notifications of our events. If you are interested in providing your time or expertise to support the above activities, please reach out to us at the Contact Us section of this website.