Participating in a graduate program can be the most intellectually stimulating and exciting time in the academic life of a STEM student. The Master’s or PhD degree program brings with it a wide world of opportunities and challenges, and by the end of their degree program, most STEM students will be the foremost expert on the topic of their thesis or dissertation. For all the opportunity that graduate school provides, applying not only competently but competitively can be a daunting task for even the most talented students. In many cases, this process requires professional skills that are not often taught in the countries that STEM for Development supports. As a result, the scientific talents of students from developing countries does not correspond with their representation in international graduate degree programs.
To address this challenge, STEM for Development mentors students throughout their studies, and offers a free, personally-tailored, one-on-one mentorship program that is available to our most promising STEM students during the graduate application season. In application season 2022-2023, this program was led by a team of five mentors, with 35 students receiving admissions to graduate programs. In 2023-2024, the number of mentors will increase to 40-45, as many of the students who were mentees in the previous year become mentors in the next!
SFD Graduate Application Mentorship Program
Continuing Mentor Support
If you would like to receive mentorship through our program, please navigate to the Become a Member section of this website to receive notification when our program begins. If you are interested in providing your time or expertise to support the above activities, please reach out to us at the Contact Us section of this website.